I Love South Dakota
Bringing a fresh splash of color and some love to Brookings, South Dakota!
Client: South Dakota Tourism
Location: Brookings, South Dakota
October 2019
What’s the best thing about South Dakota?
The people!!
This was one of our most fun projects to date! We flew out to South Dakota to paint a mural, but it ended up being a trip about so much more. We made friends, met fellow artists, and were totally inspired by the beauty of this state.
SD Tourism hired us to paint a mural in Brookings, South Dakota, and then travel across the state for the week as influencers. They asked us to paint the Brookings skyline behind the text “I love South Dakota,” a sentiment that definitely rings true for us after spending a week in the state of Great Faces and Great Places!
We got to play with four different styles of detailed text for this mural, and we love the outcome. In the background, you can see Brooking’s beloved clock tower and some of the beautiful trees that are native to South Dakota, where they have lush forests against wide open plains. Though we had beautiful weather our whole visit, of course on the one day we are painting it was FREEZING. We had to work in gloves, hats and scarves, but that didn’t stop us from having the best time painting and chatting with SD natives!
Want to visit the mural? You can see it at 312 5th St, Brookings, SD 57006, on the backside of the Register. Tag us with #hifromSD so we can see how great you look in South Dakota!
Now that we are avid South Dakota fans, here are some other spots we highly recommend: Badlands National Park, Wall Drug, and Art Ally in Rapid City. We bet you’ll love it as much as we do.