Aquatic Outdoor Mural at the Ocean Beach Target

Client: Target Corporation
Location: San Diego, Ocean Beach Target
July 2019

Can we paint a 75ft x 16.5ft mural in Ocean Beach, San Diego?

Of course!

We are still reeling from the fact that we had the opportunity to parter with Target to create this huge mural in one of San Diego’s most iconic cities, Ocean Beach.
This instagram worthy mural was painted in only four days, but believe it or not, we spent over a year working on and perfecting the design with Target and the city of San Diego. You may also see some of our designs inside the building!

In order to create something that truly paid homage to the history of Ocean Beach, we worked with an official Ocean Beach historian to ensure that every inch of the mural was curated to reflect this awesome town. The type face that we chose references the signage from the iconic Cornet Five-and-Dime that the new Target building was home to back in 1990. We also included rock formations from along the California coast, kelp, and the state fish, Garibaldi.

We loved this project not only for the grandeur of it, but for the fact that we practiced what we preach when it comes to negotiating, and never doing free work - and it paid off, big-time! We had originally been contacted to participate in a contest to get our design chosen for this wall, and, of course, we said no. Never do work for free! Well, the client came back and said they’d like to work with us anyways, and we ended negotiating the highest price we’d charged up to that time. We couldn’t be happier with the final results for all involved!

Shout out to all of our friends and family that helped get this baby up on the wall. And, to the amazing team at Target HQ. We couldn’t have done it without you guys.

Visit the mural! Tag us so we can see you! It’s at 4864 Newport Ave, San Diego, CA 92107