How A Mural Can Grow Your Business

In today’s consumer landscape, marketing strategies that were once reliable and effective in growing a business are falling short.


Social media and universal access to the internet have created a world of goldfish-like attention spans, trends that come and go in the blink of an eye, and the feeling that there is always something better around the corner. In order for a business to differentiate itself from the sea of companies and products at everyone’s disposal, visual appeal and a unique brand identity are crucial. 

When companies are looking to stand out from their competitors, many are finding that what’s really lacking is the visual impact of their in-person customer experience. That’s where murals can play a big role for companies of all types, in turning the experience of seeing your brand into something unforgettable and, most importantly, that lasts as long as you want it to. While murals are only one piece of an overall marketing plan, companies are finding that a well-placed expression of their visual identity is a powerful tool that they can use to enhance their visibility, engage their target audience, and create a distinct corporate persona. The impacts are seen both in-person and online, with customers excited to share what they’ve seen and where they’ve seen it. 

Having painted murals for businesses of all sizes across the country, I’ve seen firsthand the way they can engage customers and connect people to a brand. It’s a stamp on reality that people can’t avoid seeing – and wouldn’t want to.

So if you’re considering how to market your business, and you want to understand what type of impact a mural could have, here are all the reasons your business needs a mural in 2024.

First impressions count

Your business only gets one chance at a first impression… so you’re going to want to make it count. Research shows that on average, a consumer will form a first impression in 7 seconds - or less. While it may seem trivial, the first impression is the foundation of your customer’s relationship with your brand and business. Creating a strong visual impact the moment a new customer steps foot in your door (or ideally - even before they enter!) is key.

In a world of strip malls and millennial greige walls, a mural can set your business apart from your competitors - especially if your industry is a heavily saturated one. HubSpot writes “when customers perceive a business as more creative, innovative, or community-oriented due to its murals, it can create a competitive edge. This unique positioning may attract a customer base willing to pay a premium for a distinct and positive experience.” 

According to study by the American Alliance of Museums:

  • 82% of businesses who have murals have seen a positive impact on their brand recognition

  • 77% of businesses believe their murals have encouraged repeat customers

  • 90% of businesses believe their mural strengthens their brand image

And when you consider that the companies considered the most creative and innovative out there - Google, AirBnb, and Etsy, to name a few -  have covered their office spaces around the world in murals, it’s safe to say that this theory has been tested by the best, and works.

Connect to the consumer

Not to get all philosophical on you here, but your business needs to find a way to appeal to the psyche of its target audience. Some say music is the universal language - but I say it’s color. And since up to 90% of an initial impression comes from color, most marketing professionals would agree. 

We all attach feelings to certain colors, whether we know it or not. Red can feel intense, fiery, energetic. Blue is often associated with running water, and brings a sense of calm serenity. And am I the only one who loves a burgundy manicure exclusively around Thanksgiving? While sometimes inexplicable, color informs our moods, perception, and worldview. 

With this in mind, investing in a colorful mural for your business is a no-brainer - and something I suggest every business seriously consider having installed at an early stage. The use of color can significantly influence consumer behavior and impact their spending patterns. Retailers and businesses strategically employ colors in their branding, marketing, and interior design to create specific emotional responses and encourage desired actions from their customers. 

And, since “more than half of all final purchasing decisions are made in [a] store, even if someone has researched a product online” a well placed mural is invaluable when it comes to increasing sales. It all comes back to color and psyche. 

 A great example of a brand that leans into its color palette is Dunkin’ Donuts. Ask any coffee drinker what brand orange and pink brings to mind, and 9/10 times, they’re going to say ‘Dunks. This is a company that isn’t afraid to throw their brand in your face (check out our most recent mural for Dunkin’ Donuts at Foxborough Stadium), and has owned . 

A thoughtfully curated mural will inform your brand identity as customers associate your business with the desired feelings and attitudes, and will set it apart in a unique and most importantly - memorable- way.

Increase revenue

Let’s consider how a mural can increase your business’ revenue (really!). Study after study has proven that the one-time, upfront cost of a mural investment for your business will pay itself off long after you’ve made your money back. In one study conducted on Lincoln Blvd in Los Angeles, CA, home to 40+ murals, researchers found that these pieces of art alone were responsible for an average business revenue increase of 5-10% - with some of the businesses on this street seeing a revenue increase of nearly 50%.

Have I convinced you yet? Well, how about these stats:

  • Businesses with art on display see a 7% increase in foot traffic and a 12% increase in sales, compared to businesses without art

  • Compared to traditional billboards, murals generate up to 42% more attention

  • In a survey by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), 64% of consumers said that murals make them more likely to visit a business or area

Increased customer engagement + brand loyalty and awareness = revenue growth. And since murals can be painted in a location that is visible to the public 24/7, they can continue to make money for your business long after you’ve clocked out for the day. What’s not to love?

Impact on Digital

Finally, one of the top reasons that every company can benefit from a custom mural is because of its ability to have a lasting impact on your business’s digital footprint. How so? Let’s start where I get a lot of my business - social media. 

Love it or hate it, we never leave home without our phones. Many of us are checking our social accounts multiple times a day - from passing time in the checkout line to decompressing on our train ride home, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook (among others) provide an outlet and allows us to catch up on what our friends are sharing. By installing a visually appealing mural on or in your business, you are providing customers with a reason to take a photo and, hopefully, share it on their social media platform. Leverage this by creating a hashtag associated with the mural or your business, and suddenly you have a ton of user-generated content aka - free promotion. Create a great photo backdrop in a well-placed location, sit back, and watch your mural work its magic online.

While your mural starts circulating on social media, your business’s increased physical visibility may also start to impact your local search engine optimization (SEO). Over time, a bold and unique mural can become a local landmark, and as discussed above - draw a lot of foot traffic, attention, and curiosity. As people begin to pull out their phones and search for local businesses and attractions in your area, your business can become a point of interest- contributing to your online presence as search volume for your mural climbs. Long story short? Incorporate a mural into your business’s marketing strategy to see customer engagement, both online and off, soar.

Is your business ready for a custom mural? Drop me an email and let’s talk about how to get your brand seen.

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